Our brain produces four types of frequency waves.
Beta brain waves (15-40 cycles per second) - This is when we are in normal consciousness, making decisions, having logical thinking and doing daily activities.
Alpha brain waves (9-14 cycles per second) - It is the alpha level, the gateway to our subconscious mind. During our first few lessons of Jose Silva method, we will be learning and practicing entering the alpha level, our center, it is called the Silva Centering Exercise. When you are in the center, you can program your mental video and many others methods introducing by Mr Jose Silva. Everyday i will do at least once or twice of entering into my center. It really helps in both mind and physical relaxation.
Theta brain waves (4-8 cycles per second) - This is when you are in deep meditation, in your dreams. Mr Jose Silva believed that practicing entering the center regularly, you are able to lower your brain frequency all the way to 4 or 5 cycles and enter the Theta level.
Delta brain waves (0.5-4 cycles per second) - This is lowest frequency level in brain waves. They usually occurs during our dreamless sleep. Mr Jose Silva named this as the doorway to spiritual dimension.
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